segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2010

World MS day - Portugal WMSD 2010

Começamos esta semana com uma EXCELENTE notícia!!

Olhem só o que a Federação Internacional de Esclerose Múltipla escreve sobre nós e sobre o nosso Move-te pela Esclerose Múltipla no site do Dia Mundial da EM, World MS Day:

"Move Up for Multiple Sclerosis" in 9 cities across Portugal

More than 1000 people walked, ran, or cycled in support of people with MS in Portugal

To mark the 2nd World MS Day, the Gang of Multiple Sclerosis, an informal national self-help group coordinated "Move Up for Multiple Sclerosis" in 9 cities across Portugal: Lisbon, Porto, Coimbra, Viana do Castelo, Aveiro, Leiria, Sintra, Sines and Pinhal Novo.

The objective of the campaign was to bring people together through movement, walking, running, cycling and to spread awareness about MS amongst the public. The key message was that people with MS can continue to live a fulfilling life, and that MS affects every person differently. More than 6000 Portuguese have MS yet very few people know what it is.

This year the "Move Up for MS" was a success. Over a thousand people marched and rode for MS in Portugal!

Portuguese VIPs joined the movement and stood in solidarity with people with MS. Amongst them was the Minister of Health Anne George, the jazz singer Jacinta, journalist João Tomé de Carvalho, President of Sporting Clube de Portugal José Eduardo Bettencourt, journalist Fernanda Freitas, writer Mario Laiginhas, President of AMI Fernando Nobre, the radio announcer Paul Fragoso, João Gil musician, actress Cláudia Semedo, comedian Ricardo Araújo Pereira , writer Rui Zink and Olympian Susana Feitor.

The Gang of MS is an informal group of people with MS who talk about their experiences of living with the disease, using the Internet as their preferred means of communication. Currently the group consists of over 450 members which includes many relatives of patients, doctors, nurses and people interested in this disease. To contact them please visit their website

2 comentários:

Rangel disse...

Viva o Gang....Bjs

Inoca disse...

Eu não tenho mesmo palavras para agradecer ao Gang da EM, ou seja, a todos vocês, pela ajuda que me têm dado ao longo destes 7 anos e meio de diagnóstico! Sem vocês não era nada! Obrigado!!
E Obrigado pelo ORGULHO tamanho em ver esta notícia! Só mesmo pessoas muito especiais como nós é que conseguem estes feitos!!
PARABÉNS a todos nós!!!!!!!!!!!!